Sleeping and Dreaming are two completely different things

Evening all.

I hope you’ve all been well since we last spoke, if not drop me a message and we’ll talk about it. I won’t bite.

I’ve had a lot of feedback about my dream posts, mainly people saying how different they are and how interesting lucid dreaming is and how some people have never even heard of lucid dreaming before. Madness. Well, let’s get you all in the know.

If you haven’t read my post before explaining about what lucid dreaming is, the different types of dreams and a basic guide as to how to train yourself to lucid dream, click here.

I’ve also had a couple of people ask me why am I so interested in dreams because “it’s basically just sleeping, there’s no hidden meaning”. Yes there is. Nothing’s as simple as 123 and I’ll explain why.

The human brain is bloody magnificent. It’s literally so magical and I don’t think people seem to realise how much. It’s not just a brain, it doesn’t just think or keep us alive. It keeps us human.

It makes us human.

It makes us different to every other species. We are able to think, feel, experience, remember, heal, understand and accept. Name one other animal that can do everything that humans can. None. We are so different, and it’s all because of our brains.

Our brains have the capacity to empathise and I think that’s one of the main differences between us as humans and other species and like I said previously, it’s able to heal itself because of our unconscious mind. Say someone is going through a rough or traumatic time and we have nightmares about said troubles, it’s because it’s a way our mind is filing away, accepting, facing and understanding these times and emotions. Without this, psychologists say we would be a totally different species, and I for one, love this.

Lucid dreaming at


The brain truly is magnificent not just mentally but if you’re interested as to how amazing the brain truly is, read The Brain’s Way of Healing by Norman Doidge, it brings up how the brain is “too sophisticated for its own good”, it’s ability to restore lost functions, (for example after a stroke a person may lose their ability to talk or to read but the brain can “recharge itself” and learn these things all over again), and how the brain can actually preserve itself. Remarkable.

Anyway, let’s get back to the dreams. Dreams are truly remarkable. Imaginative, understanding and a world of our own. Experiencing things on our own, for our own eyes. It’s like reading a book or watching a film that we absolutely adore except you’re the only one who can see it and experience it. It’s very personal and it’s a gift that everyone should treasure. Our brains healing while we watch. Beautiful.

I’ve had some really weird dreams in my time, dreams that I was able to venture out and see, dreams where I haven’t been in control and have just been amused to watch or dreams where I sort of know what’s going on but had no control over. Lucid dreaming at it’s finest. Yes, I can lucid dream and no, that doesn’t mean I can control every single dream I have because that would be boring. I like to see what my brain wants to show me and sometimes I just want to see what I want to see. Just depends. People seem really surprised when I tell them this but I’m not quite sure why because imagine you could control every dream you ever had. Realistically, your dreams would be very similar each night because you would want your deepest desires and wishes fulfilled, and therefore that’s what you would dream about. You’d want to mix it up a little every so often, and that’s exactly what I do.

I know this was a short one but I still respect everyone reading this and I’d really like to hear other people’s experiences lucid dreaming and I’d also like to hear what other people dream about generally. It’d tell me a lot about you as a person.

Like this post if you want a clear guide as to how to train yourself to lucid dream and if it gets enough likes, I’ll get on it right away! Thanks for reading my mind.

Love, Courtney-Jane x

Author: A Mermaid's Blog

Just an English girl floating through the world and these are my findings...

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